Oltre le Antiche
poems by Marlena Rigoni, cover
drawing by Laura Cesana, Vicenza, Itália, 1979
Abertura para a
by Laura Cesana, Ed.Gleba, with text and drawings by Laura Cesana, 1980
Uma tarde com Rómulo de
Carvalho e António Gedeão, João Resina Rodrigues, A. M. Nunes dos
Santos and Christopher Auretta, cover painting by Laura Cesana, 1986
Homenagem a Sete
Poetas, seven
painters dedicate a painting to a poet; Laura Cesana was chosen for Fernando
Pessoa (introduction and organization by A. M. Nunes dos Santos and Christopher
Auretta); Universidade Nova, Lisboa, Faculty of Science and Technology
Fernando Pessoa e a
Europa do Séc. XX / Et l’Europe XXème Siècle, Fundação de Serralves, Portuguese and
bilingual edition, Porto and Bruxelas, 1991, with three reproductions of
paintings by Laura Cesana
António Gedeão 51+3
Poems and Other Writings / 51+3 Poemas de António Gedeão, bilingual book with an
introduction by Christopher Auretta, organized by A. M. Nunes dos Santos,
F.C.T., Universidade Nova, Lisbon 1992, painting on the cover by Laura
Os Cristãos-Novos em
Portugal no Século XX, de Samuel Schwarz, Institute of
Sociology and Ethnology of Religions, Universidade Nova, Lisbon,1993, with
reproductions of Laura Cesana's paintings on the book, front and back cover
Os Judeus de Belmonte, de Maria Antonieta Garcia, Institute of Sociology and Ethnology of Religions, Universidade Nova, Lisbon, 1993, reproductions of Laura Cesana's paintings on the book's front and back cover | ||
Viver a
Música, de
Isabel Carneiro, Livraria Almedina, Coimbra, 1997, painting inside
Albert Einstein,Teatro das
Ideias, A. M. Nunes dos Santos, painting reproduction on the book's front cover and
inside by Laura Cesana
Poemas de António Ramos Rosa, cover and
inside (in print)
"Vestígios Hebraicos em Portugal / Jewish
Vestiges in Portugal" e subtitle: "viagem de uma pintora / travels of a painter" by
Laura Cesana with a poem by António Ramos Rosa and texts by Fernando de Azevedo,
Fernando Pernes and Lima de Freitas. Hard cover, 160 pages in colour, cm.32 x
23.5, Edited by the author. First edition: Lisbon 1997. Second edition: Lisbon
1998. (ISBN: 972-97370-02)
O Sol e a Sombra de Moisés Abrantes,
Fundão 1999, painting of front cover
O Retrato do
Livro, Maria
Helena Carvalho dos Santos, Editora Soc. Portuguêsa do Século XVIII, Lisboa,
2000, reproduction of two paintings, inside
Luz - textos e depoimentos, Abraham
Assor, Âncora Editora, Lisboa 2001, painting inside
O Melhor dos Livros, Maria Leonor Silva Santos, Roma Editora, 2003, drawing on cover | ||
Ser em Português 10º ano, Areal Editores, 2003, two reproductions of paintings inspired by Fernando Pessoa´s poetry | ||
Lingua Portuguesa 9ºano, Texto Editores, 2004, reproduction of a painting. | ||
Cerejas, love poems by contemporary Portuguese authors, coord. by Gonçalo Salvado and Maria João Fernandes, with drawings by different artists and among them six by Laura Cesana. Editor Tágide and the Municipality of Fundão, 2004 | ||
Página Seguinte, Português B-12ºAno, Texto Ed. 2005. Reproduction of a painting by Laura Cesana inspired by Fernando Pessoa's poetry. | ||
Texts on her art work appeared in books by Jorge Guimarães (1995) and António Ramos Rosa (2004), and reproduction of her paintings in Caligrafias part of the cultural Magazine MeaLibra, (Spring 2006). | ||
Afectos: Mulher, Labirinto Editor, poems inside, 2006; Afectos: Liberdade,Labirinto Ed., drawing and poem inside | ||
Os Amantes da Neblina poetry by Maria do Sameiro Barroso, painting reproduced on the cover, Labirinto Ed.,2007 | ||
A Tela do Mundo book by Luis Filipe Pereira, painting on the cover, 2008 | ||
Caligrafias, o nome das coisas, Maria João Fernandes, 4 paintings inside and two texts on my art work, 2008 | ||
Afectos: Amor, Labirinto Ed., drawing inside, 2008 | ||
Um poema para Agripina, Labirinto Ed., painting on the cover, 2008 | ||
Um poema para Ramos Rosa, labirinto Ed., painting on the cover, 2008 | ||
Drawing on the cover and inside Noésis of the Ministry of Education Nº82, 2010 | ||
Fernando de Azevedo: um texto-uma obra, 2012 | ||
Painting on the cover of Marketing de Serviços, book by Maria do Rosário Almeida and João Manuel Pereira, Sílabo editor, 2014 | ||
Maria do Sameiro Barroso, A Mansão dos Hibiscos, painting on the book cover, 2015 | ||
Front cover of MARGINALIDADE E ALTERNATIVA, vinte e seis filósofas para o século XXI, coordination by Maria Luisa Ribeiro Ferreira and Fernanda Henriques, Edições Colibri, 2016 | ||
Luas de Gengibre, by Maria do Sameiro Barroso, Livros Aedo, front cover, 2017 | ||
Papoilas Submersas, poesia do Sameiro Barroso, front cover, 2017 | ||
Espaço de Ser, VOL. I, VOL. II, VOL. III (Amazon), front covers, 2017 | ||
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